Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are considered a symbol of freedom, but with advancing age, more and more wish to remove them because of the negative connotation associated with tattoos. Tattoos are also removed because of an individual’s desire to replace the existing tattoo with a newer design. At D-Derm, Non-invasive Tattoos Removal is done using the most advanced Lutronic Spectra Q-switch ND Yag laser. The tattoo ink particles absorb the light from the laser and are broken down into fragments. The tiny fragments finally get absorbed and flushed out through the body’s immune system.

Tattoo Removal 2 x 2 Inches

Package of 6 Treatments
Number of sessions varies depending upon the size of the tattoo. The D-Derm Consultant would help in determining the size and number of sessions it needs during an in-person consultation.

Tattoo Removal 3 x 3 Inches

Package of 6 Treatments
Body needs some time after every session to clear fragmented ink particles from the body through a normal lymphatic drainage system. By continuing your sessions, you will ultimately see your tattoo fade away.

Tattoo Removal 4 x 4 Inches

Package of 6 Treatments
The larger the tattoo, the more number of sessions it requires. The D-Derm Consultant will provide you the treatment plan with the best spacing between the sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

The skin will have a white discoloration, the area around the tattoo may become red and swollen. It’s normal and will disappear over time.
It feels like the snap of a rubber band on the skin. Some feel a slight sting. Immediately after treatment, antibacterial ointment and gauze will be applied to the treated area.
Many people do not require an anesthetic. However, some patients feel more comfortable with a local numbing agent.
The number of treatments depends on the size, color, depth, and location of the tattoo. Treatments should be performed 4-8 weeks apart.
Occasionally, a whitening of the skin may occur. However, your normal skin tone should return within 6-12 months following the last treatment session.
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