Skin Rejuvenation
We offer a variety of non-invasive skin resurfacing procedures to treat mild to severe skin concerns. Depending upon the skin conditions, the D-Derm Consultant can best guide you to a comprehensive mix of treatment plans including non-surgical applications over time through IPL (Intense Pulse Light), Q-Switch Nd:YAG (laser), Phototherapy and Medical grade facials to restore a youthful appearance of the skin.

Microdermabrasion is a comfortable procedure that gently removes the epidermal cells; the outermost skin layer, to treat a wide range of skin conditions like rough texture, dullness, congestion, mild scarring or hyperpigmentation. It uses a diamond tip head that exfoliates the damaged skin as a result you will get a smoother and revitalized skin.
Treatment will include several passes (swipes) of the handpiece along the surface of the skin, extractions, disinfection, massage and a hydrating mask.
Microdermabrasion can be performed once or twice a month depending on what you are looking to treat.
Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation treatment using a medical grade sterile blade to remove fine facial hairs (peach fuzz), dead skin cells and excess build up from the pores. It doesn’t stimulate hair growth nor the hairs grow back thicker or darker. Dermaplaning leaves your skin smooth, hydrating & glowing.
It is an independent procedure or as an add-on to any medical grade facial treatment.
It is advised to take Dermaplaning once a month to stimulate healthy skin turnover.
Melasma Q-switch Treatment
Package of 6 Treatments
Treating Melasma could be very challenging but at D-Derm, we use Lutronic Spectra for the treatment of melasma, and this has shown to be very effective in reducing the appearance of melasma.
Lutronic Spectra Q-Switch Nd:YAG (laser) is a painless, no downtime procedure that utilizes low energy to break down the pigments and remove them through natural lymphatic drainage.
Number of sessions would be determined on consultation, considering the skin condition, skin type, previous treatments taken and the response of those treatments. D-Derm staff might also recommend some topical creams, serums and medical grade sunblock for optimal long term results.
Pigmentation Q-Switch Treatment
Package of 6 Treatments
At D-Derm, we use Lutronic Spectra Q-Switch Nd:YAG (laser) that utilizes low energy to remove unsightly pigmentation in the skin, improving its tone and texture. It’s a painless, no downtime procedure that requires multiple sessions. D-Derm Consultant upon looking at your condition can best guide you to the number of sessions it requires to achieve the best results.
The Aesthetician might also recommend some topical creams, serums and medical grade sunblock for optimal long term results.
Post Acne Erythema Q-Switch Treatment
Package of 6 Treatments
The red or purple blemishes that appear due to severe acne inflammation can be treated with the Lutronic Spectra Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser. It requires multiple sessions to see the best results. It is a painless, no downtime procedure with effective results. Depending upon the skin condition, skin type, previous treatments taken and the response of those treatments, D-Derm Aesthetician may also recommend you some topical products to maximize the effect of the treatment.
Broken Capillaries Q-Switch Treatment
Package of 4 Treatments
At D-Derm, we treat Broken Capillaries with Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser which is the best and most efficient way to get rid of tiny blood vessels visible just beneath the surface of the skin. In some cases, other procedures like IPL Photofacial and Phototherapy treatment are also recommended to get the best results.
D-Derm Certified Aesthetic Consultant might also recommend some topical creams, serums and medical grade sunblock for optimal long term results.